Nomination For Induction Into The Indiana Aviation Hall Of Fame

This information is provided to submit a candidate for induction into the Indiana Aviation Hall of Fame.

The mission of the INAHOF is to recognize, honor, and perpetuate the memory of those special individuals who have made an enduring contribution to aviation or aerospace in Indiana, the nation, or the world through achievement, leadership, exceptional service, innovation, or entrepreneurial spirit.

Candidates must have made an enduring and indelible contribution to aviation or space flight through achievement, leadership, exceptional service, innovation or entrepreneurial spirit. The contributions may include personal accomplishments as an commercial or private aviator; aircraft, spacecraft or propulsion designer or systems designer; aviation or space-related military service; leadership and or achievement in aviation, air carrier operations, flight training, aviation or space-related education and or significant service as an airport or Fixed Base Operator or airport manager.

Candidates must:

  • have been born in Indiana, or
  • have a significant connection to Indiana or residency in the state and have made extraordinary contribution(s) to aviation or space flight while a resident of the state.

Nominations may be submitted by an organization, firm or individual, including the proposed Inductee, with knowledge of the candidate’s accomplishments. Any evidence and documentation supporting the nomination should be included in the nomination, along with any contract’ information for investigation and research on the qualifications.  A synopsis of the candidate’s aviation or space-flight-related accomplishments, CV, awards, and achievements must accompany the nomination.

The INAHOF Selection-Nominations Committee will review and determine that the candidate meets the nominating criteria, verify the authenticity of the accomplishment(s) and perform such additional investigation as it deems appropriate. The Committee will advance the nominations to the full Board of Directors with recommendations for action. The full Board will select the inductees. The nominations not selected for induction shall be considered for selection in subsequent years.

Inductees are honored at an induction ceremony/banquet by a fitting medallion and or plaque to be displayed within the Hall of Fame.

Nominate A Future Inductee